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Identifier labels

​Several statements are tagged with an identifier label for troubleshooting 'problem queries' and identifying possible ways to optimize database settings. The addition of labels to ELT queries enables fine-grained workload management and workload isolation via Synapse WORKLOAD GROUPS and CLASSIFIERS.

The identifier labels are as follows:

Table type Tag


Satellites CMPS_SatIns
Type1 dimensions CMPS_<data mart name>_DimT1_Init/CMPS_<data mart name>_DimT1_Incr
Type2 dimensions CMPS_<data mart name>_DimT2_Init/CMPS_<data mart name>_DimT2_Incr
Transactional facts CMPS_<data mart name>_FctTra_Init/CMPS_<data mart name>_FctTra_Incr
State-oriented facts CMPS_<data mart name>_FctStO_Init
Aggregated facts CMPS_<data mart name>_FctAgg_Init

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